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How to Organize Figma Files: A Clear and Knowledgeable Guide

Written by Figma Expert
Last modified Jun. 30 2023

How to organize Figma files?

Maintaining an organized workspace in Figma is crucial for both individual designers and teams. As projects grow and files multiply, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep track of everything. A disorganized Figma file can cause chaos, slow workflow, and hinder collaboration.

To avoid these issues, designers must learn how to organize their Figma files effectively. This involves creating a clear structure for projects, files, and pages. By doing so, designers can quickly locate the assets they need, collaborate with others, and maintain consistency throughout their designs.

This article will explore the best practices for organizing Figma files. We'll cover everything from creating a straightforward naming convention to using Figma's built-in organization tools. Whether you're a solo designer or part of a larger team, these tips will help you keep your Figma files organized and efficient.

Understanding Figma Files

What is Figma

Figma is a cloud-based design tool that allows designers to create, collaborate, and share design files with team members in real time. It is a popular tool for UI/UX designers, product designers, and design teams. Figma offers many features, including vector editing tools, design libraries, prototyping, and versioning. The tool is accessible from any device with an internet connection and can be used on both Mac and Windows operating systems.

Types of Figma Files

There are three main types of Figma files: design, team, and libraries.

Design Files

Design files are individual files created by designers. They are used to create and store design assets such as icons, logos, and illustrations. Design files can be shared with other team members for feedback and collaboration.

Team Files

Team files are design files that are shared among team members. They are used to collaborate on design projects and can be accessed by anyone with permission. Team files are a great way to keep everyone on the same page and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal.


Libraries are collections of design assets that can be shared across multiple design files and team files. Libraries are a great way to maintain consistency across all design projects. For example, a library may contain a set of icons or color swatches that can be used across all design files. Libraries can be updated in real-time, ensuring all team members can access the latest design assets.

Understanding the different types of Figma files is crucial for maintaining an organized workspace and efficient design workflow. Designers should take advantage of Figma's features to ensure that their design files are organized and easily accessible to team members.

Setting Up Your Figma Workspace

When it comes to organizing Figma files, it's important to start with a well-structured workspace. This section will cover two key aspects of setting up your Figma workspace: creating projects and using pages effectively.

Creating Projects

Projects in Figma are used to group related design files together in a single space, much like a folder in a file system. Creating projects is a straightforward process that can help keep your work organized and easy to find.

To create a new project, click on the "New Project" button in the Figma file browser. Give your project a name and description to help you remember what it's for, and then click "Create Project".

Once you've created a project, you can add files to it by dragging and dropping them into the project folder. You can also create subfolders within a project to further organize your files.

Using Pages Effectively

Pages in Figma are used to organize related artboards and frames within a single file. Using pages effectively lets you keep your designs organized and easy to navigate.

To create a new page in Figma, click on the "+" icon next to the existing pages in the left-hand panel. Give your page a name that reflects its contents, and then start adding artboards and frames to it.

When adding artboards and frames to a page, it's important to keep them organized in a logical way. Consider grouping related elements together, and use naming conventions that make finding what you're looking for easy.

Using projects and pages effectively lets you keep your Figma workspace organized and easy to navigate. This can help streamline your workflow and improve your productivity, allowing you to focus on what really matters - creating great designs.

Organizing Figma Files

When working with Figma files, it is essential to keep them organized to avoid confusion and save time. Here are some tips to help organize Figma files effectively.

Naming Conventions

Using a consistent naming convention for files and pages can help keep them organized. It is recommended to use a clear and concise naming convention that reflects the content of the file or page. For example, if the file contains wireframes for a mobile app, a naming convention like "Mobile App Wireframes" can be used. Similarly, a naming convention like "Home Page" or "Contact Us Page" can be used for pages.

Color Coding

Color coding can be a useful way to identify files or pages quickly. Using a consistent color coding scheme throughout all Figma files is recommended. For example, blue can be used for wireframes, green for mockups, and red for prototypes. This can help quickly distinguish between different types of files and pages.

Grouping Related Files

Grouping related files can help keep them organized and make it easier to find them. It is recommended to group files based on their purpose or project. For example, all files related to a specific project can be grouped together. This can be done by creating a folder for the project and placing all related files within it.

In summary, using consistent naming conventions, color coding, and grouping related files can help keep Figma files organized and save time.

Using Figma Components

Figma components are reusable design elements that can save time and effort when creating designs. This section will discuss how to create and organize Figma components.

Creating Components

To create a component in Figma, select the element you want to turn into a component and click on the "Create Component" button in the toolbar or right-click and select "Create Component". Once you have created a component, you can reuse it throughout your design by dragging it from the assets panel and dropping it onto the canvas.

When creating components, it is important to give them clear and descriptive names. This will make it easier to find and use them later. You can also add tags to components to help organize them and make them easier to find.

Organizing Components

Organizing components is essential to maintaining an efficient workflow in Figma. There are several ways to organize components, including:

  • Naming conventions: Use a consistent naming convention for your components to make them easier to find. For example, you could use a prefix to indicate the type of the component (e.g., "btn" for buttons, "icn" for icons).
  • Grouping: Group related components together to make them easier to find. For example, you could group all your button components together in a folder.
  • Hierarchy: Use a hierarchy to organize your components. For example, you could create a "Buttons" folder and then create subfolders for different types of buttons (e.g., "Primary," "Secondary," "CTA").

It is also important to keep your components up-to-date. If you make changes to a component, make sure to update all instances of that component throughout your design.

Creating and organizing components in Figma can save time and effort when creating designs and maintain an efficient workflow.

Implementing Figma Prototypes

Making Prototypes

Figma allows designers to create interactive prototypes that simulate the user experience of their designs. To make prototypes in Figma, designers can use the prototyping tools in the Figma toolbar to create connections between frames, add animations, and define interactions.

Designers can make prototypes by creating starting points, which are frames that represent the beginning of a user flow, and connecting them with other frames. Prototypes can also include overlays, which are frames that appear on top of other frames to simulate pop-ups or modals. Designers can use animations to add movement and transitions to their prototypes, and they can define interactions to specify how elements should behave when clicked or hovered over.

Organizing Prototypes

To keep prototypes organized in Figma, designers can use the same file organization techniques they use for their design files. Figma allows designers to group related design files together in projects, which act like folders in a file system. Within projects, designers can create pages to organize their design files or prototypes by category or theme.

Designers can also use naming conventions to keep their prototypes organized. For example, they can use a consistent naming convention for frames and starting points to make finding specific elements in their prototypes easier. They can also use comments and notes to provide context and instructions for other team members who may be reviewing or testing the prototypes.

Overall, implementing Figma prototypes requires a combination of design skills and organizational skills. By using the prototyping tools in Figma and organizing prototypes in a logical and consistent way, designers can create effective prototypes that simulate the user experience of their designs.

Managing Collaboration in Figma

When working with a team in Figma, managing collaboration is crucial for maintaining efficiency and ensuring that everyone is on the same page. This section will discuss two important aspects of managing collaboration in Figma: Team Libraries and Sharing and Permissions.

Team Libraries

Team Libraries are collections of design assets that can be shared across multiple projects. They allow teams to maintain consistency in their designs and ensure that everyone uses a particular asset's latest version.

To create a Team Library, select the assets you want to include and click on the "Create Library" button. You can then choose which team the library should belong to and set permissions for who can access and edit the library.

Once you have created a Team Library, you can easily add it to any project by going to the Assets panel and selecting the library from the dropdown menu. This ensures that everyone on your team can access the same assets and work collaboratively on the same design files.

Sharing and Permissions

Sharing and Permissions in Figma allow you to control who can access and edit your design files. This is particularly important when working with clients or external stakeholders who may need to review or provide feedback on your designs.

To share a design file in Figma, click on the "Share" button in the top right corner of the screen. You can then choose whether to share the file with specific people or make it public and share a link.

You can also set permissions for each person you share the file with, allowing you to control who can view, edit, or comment on the file. This ensures that you maintain control over your designs and can prevent unauthorized changes or access.

In conclusion, managing collaboration in Figma is essential for maintaining efficiency and ensuring that everyone on your team is working towards the same goals. Using Team Libraries and controlling Sharing and Permissions ensures that your designs are consistent, up-to-date, and secure.

Maintaining Your Figma Files

Keeping your Figma files organized is crucial for maintaining efficiency and collaboration in your design process. As projects grow and files multiply, maintaining an organized workspace in Figma becomes a pressing need for both individual designers and teams. Here are some tips to help you maintain your Figma files:

Regular Clean Up

Regularly cleaning up your Figma files is essential to keep them organized. When working on Figma files, it's easy to lose focus and work without structure. Because designers are always looking for the best solution, they move and restructure flows and pages a lot. Work not organized can cause chaos in your files and slow your workflow.

To avoid this, set aside some time each week or month to clean up your Figma files. This can include deleting unused pages, renaming pages and frames, and organizing your layers. You can also use plugins like "Rename It" and "Clean Up" to automate some of these tasks.

Archiving Old Files

Archiving old files is another way to maintain your Figma files. As projects come to an end, it's important to archive the files to keep your workspace clean and organized. Archiving helps you to focus on the current projects and prevents you from getting bogged down by old files.

To archive files in Figma, you can create a team or project for old files and move the files there. You can also archive individual files from the "Archive" function in Figma. Archived files will still be accessible but will not appear in your main workspace.

Regularly cleaning up and archiving old files can keep your Figma workspace organized and efficient. This will help you to focus on your current projects and avoid getting bogged down by old files.

Closing Thoughts

The team of talented developers at Figmafy provides exceptional Figma-to-code services that are designed to streamline the design-to-development process. With their extensive expertise in both design and coding, they can seamlessly transform Figma designs into pixel-perfect code. Their dedication to delivering high-quality results and quick turnaround times make Figmafy a top choice for design teams looking to bring their visions to life.

If you're looking to enhance your design workflow and eliminate the hassle of manual code translation, Figmafy is the answer. Their Figma-to-code services offer a seamless collaboration between designers and developers, ensuring a smooth transition from design concepts to fully functional code. Experience the efficiency and precision that Figmafy brings to the table by visiting their website today.

Take your design projects to new heights with Figmafy's exceptional Figma to-code services. Visit their website at Figmafy to learn more and witness the transformative power of their streamlined design-to-development process. Streamline your workflow, eliminate friction, and bring your Figma designs to life with Figmafy.
