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How to Duplicate in Figma: A Clear and Confident Guide

Written by Figma Expert
Last modified Jun. 24 2023

Figma is a popular design tool used by designers to create user interfaces, prototypes, and other digital designs. One of the essential features of Figma is the ability to duplicate files, objects, or components. Duplicating in Figma is a straightforward process that allows designers to create copies of their designs without affecting the original.

Users can use the browser address bar or the right-click context menu to duplicate a file in Figma. If using the browser address bar, users can add "/duplicate" at the end of the file URL. This method only works when viewing the full file URL. On the other hand, users can right-click on the file they want to duplicate and select "Duplicate" from the context menu.

Designers can also duplicate objects in Figma. To duplicate an object, users need to select the object, right-click, and select "Duplicate" from the context menu. Alternatively, users can use the keyboard shortcut CMD + C (Mac) or Ctrl + C (Windows) to copy an object and CMD + V (Mac) or Ctrl + V (Windows) to paste it. Holding the Alt key while dragging an object duplicates it. These methods are useful when creating multiple copies of the same object or making slight modifications to the original.

Accessing Figma

To duplicate a file in Figma, you first need to access the file you want to duplicate. There are two main ways to access files in Figma: through the menu and through keyboard shortcuts.

Menu Access

To access files through the menu, click on the "File" menu in the top left corner of the Figma window. From there, you can select "Open" to browse for a file on your computer, or select "Recent Files" to quickly access files you've recently worked on.

If you're working on a team project, you can also access files that have been shared with you by selecting "Team Library" or "Projects" from the "File" menu. From there, you can browse through the available files and select the one you want to duplicate.

Keyboard Shortcut Access

For quicker access to files, Figma offers several keyboard shortcuts. Press "Cmd+O" on a Mac or "Ctrl+O" on a PC to open a file using a keyboard shortcut. This will bring up the "Open File" dialog box, where you can browse for the file you want to duplicate.

Once you've accessed the file you want to duplicate, you can proceed to duplicate it using one of several methods. Whether you're using menu access or keyboard shortcut access, the process for duplicating a file remains the same.

Note that your access level to a file may affect your ability to duplicate it. For example, if you have "Can View" access to a file, you may not be able to duplicate it. However, if you have "Can Edit" access, you should be able to duplicate the file without any issues.

Creating a Duplicate

To create a duplicate in Figma, there are two main methods: duplicating on the canvas or duplicating in the sidebar. Both methods are simple and straightforward, allowing you to quickly create a copy of an object, frame, or page.

Duplicating on Canvas

To duplicate an object on the canvas, select the object you want to duplicate and press Cmd + D on Mac or Ctrl + D on Windows. Alternatively, you can right-click on the object and select "Duplicate" from the context menu. Figma will create a copy of the object in the same position as the original.

If you want to duplicate multiple objects, select all the objects you want to duplicate and press Cmd + D on Mac or Ctrl + D on Windows. Figma will create copies of all the selected objects in the same position as the originals.

Duplicating in Sidebar

To duplicate an object in the sidebar, select the object you want to duplicate in the Layers panel. Right-click on the object and select "Duplicate" from the context menu. Figma will create a copy of the object and add it to the Layers panel directly below the original.

If you want to duplicate a frame or page in the sidebar, right-click on the frame or page and select "Duplicate" from the context menu. Figma will create a copy of the frame or page and add it to the Layers panel directly below the original.

In addition to duplicating objects, you can also duplicate entire files in Figma. To do this, click on the file name in the top-left corner of the editor to open the file menu. Select "Duplicate" from the menu, and Figma will create a copy of the file in the same location as the original.

Overall, duplicating objects in Figma is a simple and straightforward process. Whether you prefer to duplicate on the canvas or in the sidebar, you can quickly create copies of objects, frames, pages, and even entire files with just a few clicks.

Working with Frames and Assets

When working in Figma, it's important to understand how to work with frames and assets. These are the building blocks of your design, and knowing how to manipulate them effectively can help you save time and create more polished designs.

Positioning and Sizing

One of the most important aspects of working with frames and assets is correcting their positioning and sizing. In Figma, you can use the Properties panel to adjust your selected object's X and Y position and width and height. You can also use the Align and Distribute tools to ensure that your objects are correctly spaced and aligned with one another.

Additionally, you can use the Constraints feature to set how your objects will behave when the frame or container they are in is resized. This can help you ensure that your designs are responsive and look great on different screen sizes.

Coloring and Layering

Another important aspect of working with frames and assets is getting their coloring and layering correctly. In Figma, you can use the Fill and Stroke properties to adjust the color and style of your selected object. You can also use the Layers panel to adjust the order of your objects and group them together as needed.

It's important to keep in mind that the order of your layers can affect how your design looks, so be sure to experiment with different layering options to find the best arrangement for your design.

In conclusion, understanding how to work with frames and assets in Figma is essential for creating polished and professional designs. You can create visually appealing and functional designs by mastering the techniques of positioning, sizing, coloring, and layering.

Handling Components and Instances

Understanding how to handle components and instances is crucial for efficient design work when working with Figma. Components are reusable elements that can be used multiple times throughout a design. Instances are copies of components that can be edited without affecting the original component. This section will discuss how to create components and detach instances.

Creating Components

To create a component in Figma, select the element or group of elements you want to turn into a component and click the "Create Component" button in the toolbar or use the shortcut "Ctrl/Command + Alt + K". Once created, the component will appear in the Assets panel and can be used throughout the design.

Select the elements to create multiple components at once and use the "Create Multiple Components" option. This will create a new component for each selected element.

Detaching Instances

To detach an instance, select the instance and click the "Detach Instance" button in the toolbar or use the shortcut "Ctrl/Command + Shift + G". This will turn the instance into a common element and any changes made to it will no longer affect the original component.

Select the instances and use the "Detach Instances" option to detach multiple instances at once. This will turn all selected instances into regular elements.

When working with components and instances, paying attention to the three dots icon that appears next to them is important. Clicking this icon will reveal a menu with options for swapping, detaching, and more.

Buttons and arrows can also easily navigate between components and instances. Clicking the arrow next to a component will reveal its instances, while clicking the arrow next to an instance will reveal its parent component.

By understanding how to handle components and instances in Figma, designers can save time and work more efficiently on their designs.

Duplicating Files and Objects

Duplicating files and objects is a common task in Figma. This section will cover how to duplicate files and objects using different methods.

Copying and Pasting

One of the easiest ways to duplicate an object is by copying and pasting it. To do this, select the object you want to duplicate, and press Command+C (Mac) or Ctrl+C (Windows) to copy it. Then, press Command+V (Mac) or Ctrl+V (Windows) to paste it. The new object will appear on top of the old one.

Using Top-Bar Menu

Another way to duplicate an object is by using the top-bar menu. To do this, select the object you want to duplicate, and click on the file name in the screen's top-left corner. This will open the file menu. From there, select "Duplicate." The new object will appear on top of the old one.

Deleting Duplicates

If you accidentally duplicate an object and want to delete it, you can select the duplicate object and press the Delete key. Alternatively, you can right-click on the object and select "Delete" from the context menu.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Figma also offers several keyboard shortcuts to make duplicating objects even easier. Here are some of the most commonly used shortcuts:

  • Command+D (Mac) or Ctrl+D (Windows): duplicates the selected object
  • Option+Click (Mac) or Alt+Click (Windows): duplicates the selected object and moves it in the direction of the mouse click
  • Shift+Option+Click (Mac) or Shift+Alt+Click (Windows): duplicates the selected object and moves it in the opposite direction of the mouse click

In conclusion, duplicating files and objects in Figma is a simple and straightforward process that can be done using different methods. Whether you prefer to use keyboard shortcuts or the top-bar menu, Figma offers several options to make the task easier.

Managing Design Elements

When designing in Figma, it is essential to manage design elements properly. This section will cover how to create new versions of elements, name and save changes, and ensure that changes are reflected in the design.

Creating New Versions

Creating new versions of design elements is crucial for maintaining a consistent design and making changes without affecting the original element. In Figma, users can duplicate design elements by right-clicking on the element and selecting "Duplicate" from the context menu. Alternatively, users can select multiple objects by holding down the Shift key and clicking on each object, then duplicate them.

Once the design element is duplicated, Figma will prefix the new element's name with "Copy of," so users can distinguish between the original and the duplicate. From there, users can make changes to the duplicated element without affecting the original.

Naming and Saving Changes

Naming and saving changes is critical for staying organized and keeping track of design iterations. In Figma, users can rename design elements by double-clicking on the element's name in the layers panel. Users can also use the "Save" button in the top-left corner of the Figma interface to save changes made to the design.

It is important to note that Figma automatically saves changes as users work, so there is no need to worry about losing progress if the application crashes or the computer shuts down unexpectedly.

Reflecting Changes in the Design

After making changes to a design element, it is essential to ensure that those changes are reflected in the design. In Figma, changes made to a design element are automatically reflected in all instances of that element throughout the design. This means that users do not need to update each instance of an element when making changes manually.

In conclusion, managing design elements is essential to designing in Figma. Creating new versions, naming and saving changes, and ensuring that changes are reflected in the design are all critical aspects of staying organized and maintaining a consistent design. Following these best practices allows users to design efficiently and effectively in Figma.

Understanding Figma's Project Structure

Figma's project structure is designed to help teams collaborate efficiently and effectively. In a Figma project, you can create multiple files, organize them into pages, and share them with your team members.

To create a new project, you can click on the "New" button on the Figma dashboard. Once you have created a project, you can start adding files to it. Each file in Figma represents a design document, and you can create multiple pages within each file.

When you right-click on a file in Figma, you will see a list of options, including "Duplicate," "Rename," "Move to project," and "Delete." These options allow you to manage and organize your files within your project.

You can create and edit objects like shapes, text, and images in Figma. You can also customize the properties of these objects, such as their size, color, and opacity. To access an object's properties, you can select the object and then click on the "Properties" tab in the right sidebar.

Figma also allows you to add comments to your designs, which can be helpful for providing feedback and collaborating with team members. To add a comment, select the object or text you want to comment on and then click on the "Comment" icon in the toolbar.

Version history is another important feature of Figma. It allows you to view and restore previous versions of your designs, which can be helpful if you need to revert back to an earlier version. To access version history, you can click on the "Version history" button in the right sidebar.

Finally, the file menu in Figma allows you to perform a variety of actions, such as exporting your designs, accessing design settings, and managing your team. To access the file menu, you can click on the "File" button in the top left corner of the Figma window.

Understanding Figma's project structure is essential for working efficiently on the platform. You can easily create, organize, and share your designs by mastering the basics of Figma's project structure.

Figma to Code Services from FigmaFy

FigmaFy's team of talented developers offers an exceptional suite of Figma-to-code services that revolutionize the design-to-development workflow. Our deep understanding of design principles and coding languages allows them to seamlessly bridge the gap between designers and developers. With our meticulous attention to detail, quick turnaround times, and commitment to delivering pixel-perfect code, FigmaFy has become a go-to choice for design teams looking to bring their Figma designs to life.

If you're tired of the traditional handoff process and want to streamline your design-to-development workflow, look no further than FigmaFy. Their Figma-to-code services will save you time, reduce frustration, and ensure a smooth transition from design to implementation. Say goodbye to tedious manual code translation and hello to efficient collaboration and pixel-perfect results. Visit FigmaFy today to learn more and take your design projects to new heights with our exceptional services.

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